Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014


Faktor Resiko Pengetahuan Kader Tentang KMS Balita Terhadap Keterampilan Menggambar Grafik Pertumbuhan Anak pada KMS Balita oleh Kader Posyandu di Kecamatan Rembang Kabupaten Purbalingga

Condro Hadi Mulyono¹  Sunarto ²
¹ Mahasiswa Jurusan Gizi Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang
² Dosen Jurusan Gizi Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang


Background : Health Care Center ( Posyandu) revitalization program is aimed to upgrade its function and work performance. The figure of SKDN from month to month is monitored to find out the development of posyandu’s activities and program in working area. If a codre make a mistake in weighing children’s growth, it will be resulting in wrong conclusion, wrong information, and it will be ending in the wrong decision related to the next policy.

Target research : To find out the relationship between the knowledge of children under five health cards (KMS) toward the Ability in Drawing the Growth Graphic in Children Health Cards (KMS) in Health Care Center in Kecamatan Rembang Kabupaten Purbalingga.

Method : This  research uses time approach with cross sectional design and the sample 4362 cadres sample research are one person from each 62 Posyandu. The process of analysis uses univariant by describing each research variable and bivariant to test the relationship between two variable, they are the variable of knowledge influence and the variable of influenced cadre’s ability. Each variable relationship uses chi square of Fisher’s exact test.

Result : Most of cadres are junior high school graduation (52%) have a good knowledge about KMS (73%), but their ability in drawing children growth graphic is lack (87%). There is a relationship betweenthe knowledge of children under Five Health Cards (KMS) Toward the Ability in Drawing the Growth Graphic in Children Health Cards (KMS) in Health Care Center in Kecamatan Rembang Kabupaten Purbalingga.

Conclusion : There Is a relationship between the knowledge of children under five healt cards (KMS)  Toward the Ability in Drawing the Growth Graphic in Children Health Cards (KMS) in Health Care Center in Kecamatan Rembang Kabupaten Purbalingga.
Keyword : Education, knowledge, Ability in drawing graphic.

Daftar Pustaka 
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Petugas Kesehatan Direktorat Gizi masyarakat, Jakarta 2007.
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